Friday 24 August 2012

New Toy

I finally got the laptop I've been wanting to get, so now I can write just about anywhere. I'm so excited!

I'll be able to get a lot more writing done too. I'm still working on the outline for Shadow Stalker. I'll probably start writing it within the next week.

Time to get to work on my new toy! :-D

Sunday 5 August 2012

Lists Are Good

This morning I worked on a "schedule" of sorts; A checklist for working on Shadow Stalker. It helped me to put into perspective what needs to be done, how long everything will take, and it also allowed me to come up with a tentative release date for Shadow Stalker. I won't be mentioning that just yet, but I will say it will be late some time next year.

I've been doing a lot of research on everything I'll need to do to successfully publish and launch my novel. This time I'm doing it right and not trying to rush it.

My first goal is to write an outline for the entire series and I expect that will take about a month. Wish me luck! :-D